Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Love this!

A good friend sent this to me and although I don't know exactly what is being said I pretty much get it and LOVE it!!!  Can someone PLEASE translate for me???


  1. OMG...that was so good and i am going to have my friend Bobby translate for you.

  2. Hilarious!! Here's the lyrics and a rough translation:

    Si sveglia tutti I giorni di bonnore la Giovanna
    She wakes up every morning at a good (early)hour the Giovanna

    Regina della casa, dei forneli e la lasagna
    The queen of the house for baked goods and lasagna

    Prepara per I suoi uomini un pranzo da leone
    She prepares everything for her men, a lunch for a lion

    Puio lava e stire e ordina camiscia e pantaloni
    She then washes and irons the shirts and pants

    E dopo aver pasatto tutto il giorno a lavorare
    And after passing the whole day working

    E giunto quel momento di podersi riposare
    And exactly at the moment that she sits down to rest with

    Una bella sigaretta li difianco al camino
    a nice cigarette next to the fireplace

    ma ecco a l�improviso che rientra il maritino
    but then enters her husband

    Che cazo te fa, e se comenzato pur a fumaï
    What the F are you doing you should not be smoking

    Ma va fanculo a te che te fatto e fratete pureï
    Go F yourself you do what you want and I'll do what I want to do

    Ma quando sei ignorante, insensible, e arrogante
    But how much you are ignorant, insensible and arrogant

    Si sveglia tutti I giorni di bonnore a la mattino
    He wakes up early every morning

    il re della campagna il suo nome e Angiolino.
    the king of the countryside his name is angelino

    Furtore delle vigne, poi del orto e gliu olivetti
    Keeper of the vines after the vegetable garden and the olives

    Ancor il bricolage fa tutto quello che gli chiedi
    Also he does all of the fix it jobs that he is asked to do

    E dopo avera passatte tutto il giorno a lavorare
    And after he passes all the day at work

    E giunto quel momento di podersi riposare
    and at that moment that he sits down to rest

    Une bella penichela infronta a la televisione
    a nice easy chair in front of the TV

    Ma ecco che il piu bello che gli arriva un
    But just when it becomes very nice that arrives a


    Che cazo te fa, a fa la spesa ma da porta.
    What the F are you doing, you have to take me shopping

    Ma va fanculo a te chi ta fatto e soreta puro
    But go F yourself you make real problems

    Ma quanta sei ignorante, botta palle e arrogante
    But so much you are ignorant, break my balls and arrogant

    E 3 vafanculo a te chi ta fatte e frechete pure.
    And go F yourself you make real problems

    Ce sempre un gran casino tra giovana e angioliono
    IT is always a big battle (things turned upside down) between Giovana and Angiolino

    Ce sempre un gran casino tra giovana e angioliono

    Ma se amano un casino, e viva Giovana e Angiolino
