Thursday, December 10, 2009

Giving Thanks!

I try to remember to wake every morning with gratitude. My Nonna lived with us for many years and every morning (and every night) she would go on and on about how thankful she was for what seemed like everything - the good drivers, the beautiful leaves on the trees, the wonderful candy she ate that day. I would love it as a little girl and sadly, started to belittle it in my mind as I grew. "Oh, what a boring life she must have to think of all the small things she has to come up with to give thanks for."  NOW I get it.  So, although the official third Thursday in November Thanksgiving has come and gone, I would like to celebrate today and every day with an unofficial Day of Thanks!  THANKS NONNA, I'M STILL LEARNING FROM YOU! I LOVE YOU ENDLESSLY XOXOXO
Watercolor artwork done by the very talented Mikayla Reanne


  1. what a talented girl indeed! she must get it from me :)
    and what a wonderful Nonna she was!!!
    love you

  2. i remember you telling me all about her

    wish i had gotten to spend time with her too
