I was warned that we would be water rationed while living here and I must admit I was concerned. We get water pumped in to the house twice a week so being aware of water usage has already been second nature. But I was signed on for this No Impact Experiment which meant being even more cognizant of my actions all week. I found out that I can take a shower without the constant stream of water, and realized how wasteful it was to keep it running the whole time. Try it next time, get in and get wet - and then turn it off while you're sudsing up. You'll see how much time and water you waste when its not on. Really pay attention to the water you use in the kitchen sink too. Can some of it be re-used for watering plants or other things. And please, please, please do not let your water run when you're brushing your teeth...you'll spend more time brushing and less time rinsing away all that good flouride :)
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