Pomegranate, lemon, olive, almond, orange, fig, walnut and eucalyptus trees. Red poppies that blanket the fields in spring and giant rolls of hay throughout the countryside. The smell of a sheep farm we still haven't found, the sound of the doves walking across the tiled roof in the morning, the church bells that ring right before 7 every day. Roundabouts, left side driving, free-for-all parking rules and yes, the crazy driving too. Early mornings at the horse ranch, late night music from my neighbors porch and the smell of smoky meat cooking in my other neighbors outdoor oven. The view of the Northern mountains from one bedroom window and sunrise from the other. Grilled halloumi cheese, hummous and pita bread, cucumbers with tzatziki sauce and octopus in red wine sauce. The history, the ruins, the Castles and beloved Aphrodite. The beaches, the turtles, the mountains and the sea. Cyprus, I do love you!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Full Moon today
When I was pregnant my sister Sandi sent me an amazing book entitled " Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful: Experience the Natural Power of Pregnancy and Birth with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation" Since then I've become a big fan of Kundalini Yoga. Just last night I was re-reading a chapter from the book (no, I'm not pregnant, just wanted to brush up on some meditations) and one in particular jumped out at me. It was a meditation for world peace and healing. I usually do meditations at night, when the house gets quiet, and quite a few times I have even fallen asleep right in the middle of one. Not last night though. I actually saw this bright purple/blue light that grew larger and larger inside my head as I repeated the healing mantra and felt like I could sit there forever sending and receiving love. I guess its what many may call the peace within and I tapped into it. I was so excited ! I finished up with a prayer to all I love and fell fast asleep. When I woke up this morning I had faint whispers of a dream last night that had something to do with Buddist secrets being shared with me. Then the alarm went off and I went into mommy-mode... making breakfast, packing lunch and getting Mikayla on the bus and off to school. After that I grabbed my coffee mug, opened up my computer and found an email waiting for me which was an invitation from a friend to join her and others today in a full moon meditation. Apparently, in some circles it is believed that Buddha descends from His high place during the full moon in the month of April to bestow spiritual blessings on the world . WOW! I don't know exactly what it all means, but I do love synchronicities like these and I do believe in the power of prayer and good intention. So join me today (or tonight) under the bright full moon and send this planet some much needed blessings and of course, save some for yourself and all of those you love!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
I watched this move last night about Nelson Mandela and was so moved by his integrity and power of inspiration. The title of the movie is the same as the poem that he kept with him while imprisoned for all those years, and it struck such a strong chord within me when I read it. I hope you, too, find your own meaning to these words and a gentle reminder to be the captain of your soul.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Ryan - August 13, 1986 - April 23, 1998
Ryan, you inspire me daily to be brave, play hard, and push it to the limits if it feels good. Our time was short, but so full, and I learned to live in hope and believe in you. I still believe in you my little Superman, and I feel your love, and see pieces of you in each of your beautiful sisters. You are still with me, with all of us, and when the night time comes and I close my eyes to sleep I hear your laughter and wait for the next time we meet and hug again. Sleep with angels my sweet little boy!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Earth Day
Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only then will you realize that money can not be eaten.
-Cree Native American saying -
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only then will you realize that money can not be eaten.
-Cree Native American saying -
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Earth Day Cometh
You know, even though I'm done with the No Impact Project, I am still a tree hugging, water conserving, waste reducing fool. Every day I see or hear about the devastation humankind has caused this planet and I am truly mournful for the damage, but there are definitely times when convenience trumps conservation for me too. You don't have to be a superhero Green Earth Warrior every single day. Just don't stray too far for too long when you do have to fall from the path. Ex: you can't or didn't bring along your reusable water container for whatever reason, then be damn sure to recycle that water bottle when you're done with it. My last two weeks of travel did some serious carbon damage to be sure - we flew three planes just to get to our destination (gasp!) and since we were warned of water borne illnesses with the baby, we used loads of bottled water and regular disposable diapers and wipes (double gasp!). At first I was feeling really sad that all the hard work I do every day to live more gently was compromised by taking this trip, but then my feet hit the sand, my body floated in the sea and I remembered that the reason I do all of it anyway is so I can enjoy an unspoiled beach and sleep with the windows open to breathe in clean, unpolluted air. So we used some bottles of water yes, but we also didn't request clean sheets and towels daily. Shoot, we didn't even have a tv at the first place we stayed, and when it got dark, we didn't turn on the lights - we sat outside, under the moonlight and counted seashells. In a way, the first five days were so low impact we may have redeemed ourselves a bit for all the air emissions we contributed - the only thing on the island was our hotel, so we didn't use a car, we ate only local foods and showered in barely warm water. Okay, so the coldish showers weren't exactly by choice, but each bungalow did have a solar panel on the roof. The entire hotel turned off the electricity for a couple of hours during the later part of the morning which saved some kilowatts and Mike and I did our best to support the local economy by purchasing many tropical and brewed beverages :)
We're back now and I'm using the G-diapers again, packing school lunches in reusable containers and hoping to find some fun events on Earth Day (two days from now). But when another opportunity comes to jump on an airplane to the next horizon, I'm going. What's the point in saving the world if you don't get to see what a good job you're doing anyway?
We're back now and I'm using the G-diapers again, packing school lunches in reusable containers and hoping to find some fun events on Earth Day (two days from now). But when another opportunity comes to jump on an airplane to the next horizon, I'm going. What's the point in saving the world if you don't get to see what a good job you're doing anyway?
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Funny signs
You know...just in case you've forgotton how to use the toilet in Thailand!
Ah right, just what I want to do, stick my legs into a tank of disease and skin eating fish...
and you thought it was a joke!!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
We will miss you Cadence~terribly
Our beautiful Cadie girl is gone. She left before we could say goodbye and the tears I cry are filled with anger and rage, and confusion and hope and fear and guilt and sadness and extreme gratitude. I will miss my Cadie forever and have added her to my list of demanded answers to be met when it comes time for me to meet my maker. Another soul has left my life too early and taken a piece of me forever away with her. If she could speak, could she have told me there was something wrong? Did she know her time was near and will she forgive me going away when she was so close to leaving herself? Why don’t people without pets understand how hard your heart hurts when they’ve died? And why do we all tend to dwell on the sad things to recall when there are millions more of the good times to be remembered?
From the day I brought her home from the Hawaiian Humane Society, she has brought love and light into our home. She was the last pup of her litter left behind and the lady at the shelter told me I probably shouldn’t consider adopting her because she jumped and scratched too much. She didn’t think Cadie would be a good fit with a toddler in the house – Mikayla was about three at the time. We took her out of the pen anyway and into the viewing room to see for ourselves. Within five seconds I knew she was part of our family.
At the time, Mike and I had been planning on adopting two Boxers when he returned from his deployment, so when I told him I had brought home a puppy from the pound, and she wasn’t a Boxer, he was rightfully pissed at me. I promised that he would love her -- and he did. We all did. Always listen to your heart.
It was immediately apparent that she was special in so many ways. A very smart girl. She learned everything quickly and spoke to us directly through her eyes. She didn’t need words. She looked like a baby Jack Russell when we got her so we were surprised to watch her legs get longer and longer as the months passed. Very unique in her looks and her ways. She was my constant companion while Mike was away and Mikayla’s eternal playmate, patient beyond words. We took daily walks to the beach where she chased crabs and other dogs – the only dog in Hawaii who wouldn’t swim! She joined me on runs and hikes through the hills and loved sitting in the back of the Jeep for rides around the island. She had a very particular sound she made when she was happy to see you come home. Not really a bark or cry, but this high pitched cooing sound that was her signature voice. How I wish I had filmed her more often and captured these priceless lost moments.
Part of the agreement in loving a pet is acknowledging that you must prepare yourself for that day you know will come… when you must say goodbye. But like all things wonderful in life, no matter how much time you have, you want more, and when it’s over you can’t imagine living without it. That’s where I am right now. I want her back, right now. I want run for miles with her at my side and lie side by side in the sunshine and throw balls for her until the sun goes down. I want to cook her filet mignon and give her belly rubs and tuck her inside my bed with the fluffiest pillow. I want to tell her over and over how much I love her and how special she is to this family and much is it going to suck to come home everyday and not see her bouncing up and down at the wall when we pull into the driveway. I am not ready to say goodbye dammit…not ready at all.
Of course, she wasn’t perfect, but she was perfectly real. . She dug holes, ate poop and stole food from the other dogs and the baby. She wouldn’t go out in to the rain to pee and she didn’t know how to walk on a leash without pulling your arm out of its socket. She could be a real pain in the ass, but she was OUR pain in the ass and we loved her. If she was here right now I would let her climb right on top of the "good" couch for a nap and join her in the dirt to dig a new hole. I would take out my umbrella and get soaking wet the next time it rained just so she wouldn't be alone out there and let her eat all the snacks Arianna dropped without saying a word. But its too late, and its over, and the finality of it all is so sobering.
We've all heard and said it a million times. Love every moment. Cherish it all. It's never going to be enough - you'll always wish for more when its over. Don't just say it - live it.
Cadence I hope you can hear me now. You have left your paw prints on our hearts forever. Thank you for your love, your loyalty, your friendship, your patience and all the joy you brought everyone who has known you. Thank you for being the best big sister to Max and Kimo, the best little sister to Tara, Mikayla and Arianna and the best furry child Mike and I have ever loved. WE LOVE YOU FOREVER CADIE GIRL - FOREVER.
From the day I brought her home from the Hawaiian Humane Society, she has brought love and light into our home. She was the last pup of her litter left behind and the lady at the shelter told me I probably shouldn’t consider adopting her because she jumped and scratched too much. She didn’t think Cadie would be a good fit with a toddler in the house – Mikayla was about three at the time. We took her out of the pen anyway and into the viewing room to see for ourselves. Within five seconds I knew she was part of our family.
At the time, Mike and I had been planning on adopting two Boxers when he returned from his deployment, so when I told him I had brought home a puppy from the pound, and she wasn’t a Boxer, he was rightfully pissed at me. I promised that he would love her -- and he did. We all did. Always listen to your heart.
It was immediately apparent that she was special in so many ways. A very smart girl. She learned everything quickly and spoke to us directly through her eyes. She didn’t need words. She looked like a baby Jack Russell when we got her so we were surprised to watch her legs get longer and longer as the months passed. Very unique in her looks and her ways. She was my constant companion while Mike was away and Mikayla’s eternal playmate, patient beyond words. We took daily walks to the beach where she chased crabs and other dogs – the only dog in Hawaii who wouldn’t swim! She joined me on runs and hikes through the hills and loved sitting in the back of the Jeep for rides around the island. She had a very particular sound she made when she was happy to see you come home. Not really a bark or cry, but this high pitched cooing sound that was her signature voice. How I wish I had filmed her more often and captured these priceless lost moments.
Part of the agreement in loving a pet is acknowledging that you must prepare yourself for that day you know will come… when you must say goodbye. But like all things wonderful in life, no matter how much time you have, you want more, and when it’s over you can’t imagine living without it. That’s where I am right now. I want her back, right now. I want run for miles with her at my side and lie side by side in the sunshine and throw balls for her until the sun goes down. I want to cook her filet mignon and give her belly rubs and tuck her inside my bed with the fluffiest pillow. I want to tell her over and over how much I love her and how special she is to this family and much is it going to suck to come home everyday and not see her bouncing up and down at the wall when we pull into the driveway. I am not ready to say goodbye dammit…not ready at all.
Of course, she wasn’t perfect, but she was perfectly real. . She dug holes, ate poop and stole food from the other dogs and the baby. She wouldn’t go out in to the rain to pee and she didn’t know how to walk on a leash without pulling your arm out of its socket. She could be a real pain in the ass, but she was OUR pain in the ass and we loved her. If she was here right now I would let her climb right on top of the "good" couch for a nap and join her in the dirt to dig a new hole. I would take out my umbrella and get soaking wet the next time it rained just so she wouldn't be alone out there and let her eat all the snacks Arianna dropped without saying a word. But its too late, and its over, and the finality of it all is so sobering.
We've all heard and said it a million times. Love every moment. Cherish it all. It's never going to be enough - you'll always wish for more when its over. Don't just say it - live it.
Cadence I hope you can hear me now. You have left your paw prints on our hearts forever. Thank you for your love, your loyalty, your friendship, your patience and all the joy you brought everyone who has known you. Thank you for being the best big sister to Max and Kimo, the best little sister to Tara, Mikayla and Arianna and the best furry child Mike and I have ever loved. WE LOVE YOU FOREVER CADIE GIRL - FOREVER.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
A colorful life
We've just returned from two weeks in Thailand. From the southern beaches, to the northern rivers to the bustling city of Bangkok. Every moment was unique and as colorful as this first bloom that just appeared in David and Jills's garden in California.
As I unpack the memories and the suitcases from our latest adventure I smile as I think of how beautiful this world is.
As I unpack the memories and the suitcases from our latest adventure I smile as I think of how beautiful this world is.
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