Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Friends Club
I was so glad I was able to capture the first friends club meeting. In attendance were, Leo, Kimo and Arianna. Events planned for today: Belly rubs, snack time and then a long nap in the afternoon sun! New memberships available now!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Kate and the Girls
So much to catch up on! Let me begin by introducing our newest family member, Kate. She is a rescued quarter horse and one of the finest babysitters ever! We've been spending the last few months at the rescue ranch getting to know our new friends and we have decided that Kate and her two sisters Tat and Kahlua would be most welcome at our new home. We've been working hard at building the trust these girls need to know they can depend on us to take good care of them, and know they will do the same for us. The desert is cooling now and we are starting to spend more time indoors, so I promise to finally begin catching up on the thoughts and memories we have had since moving back to the states. In the meantime, warmest wishes for a beautiful and delicious Thanksgiving!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Happy Birthday Ryan
My little boy would be celebrating his 24th birthday today. Its been almost two months since my last post and as much as I can't wait to share and re-live the fun and crazy times we've had since we packed up and journeyed half way across the planet, it was today that was most important to acknowledge. The birthday of my only son, my cute little boy who had the ability to make you want to kiss and kill him all at the same time! What a rascal, a dreamer, an artist and a real boy's boy he was~ and will forever remain in my heart and mind. Missing him never gets easier, but remembering him is just like breathing to me - its essential and it keeps me very much alive. Today we will sail our balloons up to heaven with messages of love and birthday magic knowing trhat somewhere, without a shadow of a doubt, Ryan receives them...I can hear him laughing already. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN PATRICK ~ MOM LOVES YOU FOREVER! XOXO
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Simple pleasures
From a vendor's stand in Famagusta. Doesn't it make you just want to fill up a basket with breads and fruits and a beautiful bottle of wine and watch the clouds pass overhead?
It's Official

Its been a very special week for us. The highlight was Mike's pinning on ceremony. We are saying good-bye to Gunny and hello to Master Sgt! Congratulations on a well-deserved promotion Mike, we are so proud of you. Special thanks to Mike S. and Ambassador U. for officiating and making the day that much more memorable.
Graduation time
Look who's a 3rd grader now! The end of the school year show was really great this year. Our music teacher, Miss Kate chose Disney shows for each grade. Mikayla's class performed songs (she was a beautiful mermaid) from Peter Pan and Lydia's class did Jungle Book. They were so great we were able to forget the 101 degree temperates we had to endure that day!
Happy Summer Everyone!
Hope your summer days are filled with "buckets" of fun! Mikayla and her friend Lexie started off their summer with some pretty cute underwater creatures. I guess I won't be eating any more squid in red wine sauce. So cute!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
First to go
Anita and Vanessa ,I am going to miss you guys (Brenden too) when you leave tonight. We have had some good times and shared a few sad ones too (our doggies are playing in heaven for sure), but mostly its all the laughs I will remember most. These costumes you guys made at a moment's notice still amaze me and whenever we needed to count on the "fun" people to show up for things, you were first in line. Argentina is so lucky to have you next! When we started out on this life of travel, it was people like you that I prayed would cross my path. Looking forward for that time when we will meet again and share the special friendship we will always have. Bon Voyage my friends xoxo
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Pope visited Cyprus
Its funny how the lack of air noise can make you so sensitive to the sudden appearance of it. A couple of weeks ago (I know, I'm really behind on the news lately) I noticed a helicopter flying nearby our house - probably the first in the entire time we've been here. I remember running through a bunch of silly scenarios in my mind of why it would be in this area. By the time it had flown away, I had already forgotton it was ever here. So when I was woken to the whop-whop-whop-whop of a very low flying copter I shot out of bed, grabbed the camera inside the bedstand cabinet and flung open the window to see what all the racket was about. It was in that moment of early morning sunshine blindness that I realized that the Pope was in town and would be only a few short blocks away from my house that Sunday morning in a stadium nearby. Unfortunately I wasn't able to snag tickets, so I clicked away at the helicopter instead, as some sort of momento of his visit. We knew he was coming a few months back when our priest told us he was actually staying with him at our church and we even asked the nuns if we could delay the Communion, just so the Pope could give his blessings on such a special occasion. Obviously...we got a no-go on the idea! I'm just glad they didn't see me hanging out the window clicking away at them, although it would have made for a far more interesting ending!
Small snippet on the visit:
The pope is meeting in Cyprus with prelates from the region to set an agenda for an October meeting in Rome to build a strategy to stem an exodus of Christians from the Holy Land, Iraq and elsewhere because of violence and economic hardship. The Middle East includes ancient Christian communities.
Cyprus was ethnically split in 1974 when Turkey invaded after a coup by supporters of union with Greece. Turkish Cypriots declared an independent republic in the north in 1983, but only Turkey recognizes it, and it maintains 35,000 troops there.
The pope, speaking about the problems of both the division of Cyprus and the Middle East region as a whole, said that "violence is not the solution."
Small snippet on the visit:
The pope is meeting in Cyprus with prelates from the region to set an agenda for an October meeting in Rome to build a strategy to stem an exodus of Christians from the Holy Land, Iraq and elsewhere because of violence and economic hardship. The Middle East includes ancient Christian communities.
Cyprus was ethnically split in 1974 when Turkey invaded after a coup by supporters of union with Greece. Turkish Cypriots declared an independent republic in the north in 1983, but only Turkey recognizes it, and it maintains 35,000 troops there.
The pope, speaking about the problems of both the division of Cyprus and the Middle East region as a whole, said that "violence is not the solution."
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Me and my boys
The last couple of Saturday mornings have been my best. Never stop believing in your childhood dreams~ or yourself!
Locks for Love
My sweet angel, Tara Bella, has donated her beautiful hair to one of the greatest causes there are...wigs for cancer patients. May the recipient of these gorgeous locks be blessed with the loving spirit that resides in each and every one of those strands.
Side note: I tried for the last 15 minutes to upload the "after" picture but each time I did, it failed.
Side note: I tried for the last 15 minutes to upload the "after" picture but each time I did, it failed.
Solar Bears
http://www.scribd.com/full/32828006?access_key=key-1fklhmb3uim3vtw2oh5b (click this link to read a great article on the team)
Just a few years back the borders between southern Cyprus and northern Cyprus were riddled with many rules and regs. In fact the travel book I have states that the borders still close at 5PM. Lucky for us, by the time we arrived, travellers are now able to cross and return at any time. And lucky for Mike, who is an avid (and in my humble opinion - superior) hockey player, an ice rink of sorts had opened up in the north. I say sorts because it looks like ice, and the team glides across it in their ice skates, but the composition of the floor is actually some kind of synthetic clear flooring that does not require water or ice. Its really kind of crazy when you realize these guys are skating around on a type of plastic, but once the game gets going it looks and feels like you are at any ice rink in town. What is even more amazing are that these guys are coming together - the south and the north - breaking down the borders that have been closed down since 1974. The team he plays on are called the Solar Bears and these guys rock. We won't be here long enough to see this new sport in Cyprus really take off, but I sure am proud that Mike is one of the forefathers of this brand new craze!
Being One is so much Fun!
It seems that I've been having too much fun since the celebrations began on May 21st to find the down time to share on this blog. But looking over these great pictures that Arianna's "fairy godmama" Svetla ( here in the first picture) took at the party, got me motivated to start playing catch up. So, our little baby is now a toddler. The time has flown WAY too fast. Luckily for me, she still lets me cradle her for a quick snuggle every now and again before she escapes to toddle and climb on every stair and piece of furniture in the house.
We had a full house of little friends, moms and dads, Marines and even Simba the Pug came out to celebrate the big day. Since Arianna was born here in Cyprus she has been one of the two "token" babies (see her good friend Keirianna below) loved and embraced in this overseas community. We are so happy to have them in our lives. Agnes (in the last photo) has been a part of our family since last July when she started baby and dog sitting for us, and could very well be considered her second mom. This little one year old is very loved indeed! She may not remember these first twelve months, but the imprints of all will be with her forever. Thank you ALL for making this a most amazing first year - and Happy Birthday sweet Arianna :)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Daddy's little girl
We've had a most amazing weekend celebrating Arianna's first year birthday. So much so that I haven't had time to post, but this beautiful poem from Mike must be shared immediately! We can catch up on everything else later ~
click on picture to enlarge
click on picture to enlarge
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
First Holy Communion
This past Sunday Mikayla made her first Communion! We are very proud of her for her commitment and ongoing interest to learn about her religion. We had to endure some tongue lashing and a few moments of disapproval from Sister when we missed some Sunday masses and a couple of classes due to travel, but through it all, Mikayla stayed the course and enjoyed her very special day. Better pictures to follow from our other camera!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Fashion blunder of the week
Well, since I'm on a roll talking about things out of the ordinary for me, I thought I might as well poke a little fun at this beauty I caught galavanting around in our little town. If the picture is too small to view, you can click on it to make it larger and see her fabulous ensemble of curlers, frock and go-go boots along with white shades to match! One of these days I'm going to take some pictures at the grocery store and show you a real treat. Its like they get ready for the clubs ten hours too soon, so they go and do some food shopping while waiting for the night to come. I promise you are going to love it!!!
This is Izzy, and this is what I did to Izzy a couple of weeks ago. So…I had the opportunity to go to the range, and suddenly, all those years I’d dreamed of wanting to be a sharp-shooter in an alternative life frightened me to pieces. Whenever I go to a carnival or amusement park, I am always most interested in the shooting games rather than the ring toss or hoop shots. Even when it’s just the water gun and balloon game - I don’t even care about the prize, I just like hitting the targets with precision. My most favorite game has always been at the BB gun shack which allows you to fire out the little red stars hanging from a piece of paper. So, when I found myself hesitating at the offer to fire some live rounds, I was feeling completely puzzled. This was the real deal here and I was feeling intimidated and frightened by the thought of using a “real” gun. I finally talked myself in to going, but I swear I don’t think I spoke one word the entire car ride to the range. I didn’t want to blow my opportunity to go, so I just pushed on and tried to act cool as I learned to load the cartridges and hold the guns properly. Not only was I a little worried about totally fucking up and shooting a toe off or something, but I was struggling with the idea that I was holding a deadly weapon and it didn’t sound at all like the real me that doesn’t particularly like any kind of violence. But that’s when I realized that it was better to have this knowledge than to fear it. Not that I plan on packing heat any time soon, but at least, if ever in a situation where I would need to know how to use them, I was now completely confident in Mike’s expert knowledge and safety precautions. I took my first shots with a 9MM and I hit my target! Once I got the hang of the push and pull of the hand position, I really started to enjoy it. In the end the only thing that still freaked me out a bit was the spent bullets that fly at you from the shooter on your left. They are hot as hell and a little distracting when you’re trying to focus. Someone just asked me today if I liked it. I said I still wasn’t sure, but now that I’ve had time to think about it more, I did like it and would definitely go back and try it some more. I wasn’t a perfect shot, but I’m pretty sure I could be. And as far as coming to terms with weapons, I’d rather know how to use them than not know and wish that I did.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Through the eyes of an 8 year old
A couple of years back, we bought Mikayla a Fisher Price digital camera - which turns out to be one of the best gifts she ever got. At first she took lots of pictures of stuffed animals and her favorite television personality - Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer. I didn't realize that she had moved on to more interesting subjects until yesterday, when her battery started running low, and I had to download the pictures before they were lost forever. For a little kid's camera I must say I'm pretty impressed. The teeny screen on the camera reveals very dark and grainy photos, but once they were downloaded I realized I've got a budding photographer on my hands. My favorites here are the two chairs out in the backyard and the one of Max with his big ol' cheeks resting on the floor. The way she got down on the ground at face level is genius! Of course I was delighted to find we now had a few more priceless pictures of our beloved Cadie girl as well. The basil plant seedlings made me realize how much of the natural world she has been exposed to and has developed an appreciation for. I've been thinking about upgrading to a more semi-professional camera for some time now and had decided I would start taking some photography lessons too. Seeing these photos has cinched the deal for me for sure. Not only will I upgrade, but I may not have to look any further than Mikayla to get the most valuable lessons on viewing and capturing life - through the eyes of a child.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother's Day Gifts
Not only do I get the most beautiful girls as daughters, but the most thoughtful too. My sweet Tara Bella surprised me with this compilation of my happiest moments - being with the loves of my life! Mikayla surprised me with a handmade card and grape flavored Lik' a Stick candy, and Arianna gave me a big wet drooly kiss along with her biggest and bestist four-toothed grin.
Of all the things I've ever accomplished, being a mom is my greatest achievement and most rewarding life's work. Thank you Tara, Ryan, Mikayla and Arianna for making me the happiest Mom on earth. I love you guys! xoxo
Of all the things I've ever accomplished, being a mom is my greatest achievement and most rewarding life's work. Thank you Tara, Ryan, Mikayla and Arianna for making me the happiest Mom on earth. I love you guys! xoxo
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Buon Giorno!
After years wistfully regretting not paying attention to my Nonna as she patiently tried to teach me her native language of Italian, I have signed up for an online course. As it was in our home, very little of the language was spoken. My dad only knew a few "choice" words and my mom and Nonna only spoke when they didn't want me to understand their private conversation, at which time my ears would perk up, but alas only the "choice" words stuck with me as well. So far I have just completed the first two lessons and it seems that although I never actually spoke the words, they flow from me easily and I am finding the meanings are easy to remember. Albeit, it was just the basics, but I am feeling encouraged and excited. Some may say that French is the language of love, but the passion and beauty of the Italian language stirs my soul. I want to return to Italy and never utter a word of english while I am there. I want to read the paper, understand the street signs and sing the songs. I want to re-connect with my roots, my ancestry, my heritage. I want to share it with my own children to share with theirs. I suddenly realized that if I did not undertake this challenge it would be lost within one single generation - how truly sad a thought. So forgive me if I bore you with my salutations of Ciao and Arrivaderci, but I've got a big job ahead of me right now. I need to save some family history before it is gone forever. Do you wish there are things you had learned but kept putting off? As they say, there is no better time than now. Get fired up and just take that leap, it feels great! Che bella e la vita... How beautiful life is.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
May 1st - "May" Day - Vappu!
The Finnish celebration of May 1st has so far been one of my most favorite Spring parties. On this day the city streets are closed to traffic as practically everyone in Helsinki comes out to play. The celebration begins at the Havis Amanda statue by the pier, where students put a graduation cap on this bronze beauty and wash her down. The year we were there, a couple of hard core partyers were also swimming around in the fountain that surrounds her. Everyone wears their graduation cap for the day (they looked more like sailor's caps to me), and some were quite yellowed with age. There really isn't any organized agenda after that, just a lot of meandering through the streets with friends and booze - LOTS of booze. I think it was the only day I ever really saw Helsinki as a whole completely unreserved and noisy as hell. Everyone is smiling in anticipation of the warmer weather and longer daylight hours. You can finally put away your happy lamps for a couple of months and get some real sunshine into your eyeballs. Its no wonder is one of the biggest celebrations of the year. The following day families are camped out on every piece of green landscape available for the first picnic of the season. The place looks totally trashed by the end of day 2 and you find yourself wondering how a whole country of people known for their reserved nature and pride of clean and pristine land only exhibit this behaviour one day a year? Its like 11 months of pressure cooking for this one big bang. But drive down the streets on May 3 and everything is back to normal. The rubbish is all cleaned up, the empty bottles have all been recycled and an unusual quiet has returned...that is of course, only until June 21st, my second most favorite time in Finland...Juhannus!
Happy "MAY" Day everyone!!!
Happy "MAY" Day everyone!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Some things I love about Cyprus
Pomegranate, lemon, olive, almond, orange, fig, walnut and eucalyptus trees. Red poppies that blanket the fields in spring and giant rolls of hay throughout the countryside. The smell of a sheep farm we still haven't found, the sound of the doves walking across the tiled roof in the morning, the church bells that ring right before 7 every day. Roundabouts, left side driving, free-for-all parking rules and yes, the crazy driving too. Early mornings at the horse ranch, late night music from my neighbors porch and the smell of smoky meat cooking in my other neighbors outdoor oven. The view of the Northern mountains from one bedroom window and sunrise from the other. Grilled halloumi cheese, hummous and pita bread, cucumbers with tzatziki sauce and octopus in red wine sauce. The history, the ruins, the Castles and beloved Aphrodite. The beaches, the turtles, the mountains and the sea. Cyprus, I do love you!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Full Moon today
When I was pregnant my sister Sandi sent me an amazing book entitled " Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful: Experience the Natural Power of Pregnancy and Birth with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation" Since then I've become a big fan of Kundalini Yoga. Just last night I was re-reading a chapter from the book (no, I'm not pregnant, just wanted to brush up on some meditations) and one in particular jumped out at me. It was a meditation for world peace and healing. I usually do meditations at night, when the house gets quiet, and quite a few times I have even fallen asleep right in the middle of one. Not last night though. I actually saw this bright purple/blue light that grew larger and larger inside my head as I repeated the healing mantra and felt like I could sit there forever sending and receiving love. I guess its what many may call the peace within and I tapped into it. I was so excited ! I finished up with a prayer to all I love and fell fast asleep. When I woke up this morning I had faint whispers of a dream last night that had something to do with Buddist secrets being shared with me. Then the alarm went off and I went into mommy-mode... making breakfast, packing lunch and getting Mikayla on the bus and off to school. After that I grabbed my coffee mug, opened up my computer and found an email waiting for me which was an invitation from a friend to join her and others today in a full moon meditation. Apparently, in some circles it is believed that Buddha descends from His high place during the full moon in the month of April to bestow spiritual blessings on the world . WOW! I don't know exactly what it all means, but I do love synchronicities like these and I do believe in the power of prayer and good intention. So join me today (or tonight) under the bright full moon and send this planet some much needed blessings and of course, save some for yourself and all of those you love!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
I watched this move last night about Nelson Mandela and was so moved by his integrity and power of inspiration. The title of the movie is the same as the poem that he kept with him while imprisoned for all those years, and it struck such a strong chord within me when I read it. I hope you, too, find your own meaning to these words and a gentle reminder to be the captain of your soul.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Ryan - August 13, 1986 - April 23, 1998
Ryan, you inspire me daily to be brave, play hard, and push it to the limits if it feels good. Our time was short, but so full, and I learned to live in hope and believe in you. I still believe in you my little Superman, and I feel your love, and see pieces of you in each of your beautiful sisters. You are still with me, with all of us, and when the night time comes and I close my eyes to sleep I hear your laughter and wait for the next time we meet and hug again. Sleep with angels my sweet little boy!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Earth Day
Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only then will you realize that money can not be eaten.
-Cree Native American saying -
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only then will you realize that money can not be eaten.
-Cree Native American saying -
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Earth Day Cometh
You know, even though I'm done with the No Impact Project, I am still a tree hugging, water conserving, waste reducing fool. Every day I see or hear about the devastation humankind has caused this planet and I am truly mournful for the damage, but there are definitely times when convenience trumps conservation for me too. You don't have to be a superhero Green Earth Warrior every single day. Just don't stray too far for too long when you do have to fall from the path. Ex: you can't or didn't bring along your reusable water container for whatever reason, then be damn sure to recycle that water bottle when you're done with it. My last two weeks of travel did some serious carbon damage to be sure - we flew three planes just to get to our destination (gasp!) and since we were warned of water borne illnesses with the baby, we used loads of bottled water and regular disposable diapers and wipes (double gasp!). At first I was feeling really sad that all the hard work I do every day to live more gently was compromised by taking this trip, but then my feet hit the sand, my body floated in the sea and I remembered that the reason I do all of it anyway is so I can enjoy an unspoiled beach and sleep with the windows open to breathe in clean, unpolluted air. So we used some bottles of water yes, but we also didn't request clean sheets and towels daily. Shoot, we didn't even have a tv at the first place we stayed, and when it got dark, we didn't turn on the lights - we sat outside, under the moonlight and counted seashells. In a way, the first five days were so low impact we may have redeemed ourselves a bit for all the air emissions we contributed - the only thing on the island was our hotel, so we didn't use a car, we ate only local foods and showered in barely warm water. Okay, so the coldish showers weren't exactly by choice, but each bungalow did have a solar panel on the roof. The entire hotel turned off the electricity for a couple of hours during the later part of the morning which saved some kilowatts and Mike and I did our best to support the local economy by purchasing many tropical and brewed beverages :)
We're back now and I'm using the G-diapers again, packing school lunches in reusable containers and hoping to find some fun events on Earth Day (two days from now). But when another opportunity comes to jump on an airplane to the next horizon, I'm going. What's the point in saving the world if you don't get to see what a good job you're doing anyway?
We're back now and I'm using the G-diapers again, packing school lunches in reusable containers and hoping to find some fun events on Earth Day (two days from now). But when another opportunity comes to jump on an airplane to the next horizon, I'm going. What's the point in saving the world if you don't get to see what a good job you're doing anyway?
Friday, April 16, 2010
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