September 9, 2009, (an "11" in numerology) shines bright and brings a strong sense of awareness and compassion -- as well as intuition -- to this date. There is an undercurrent of interconnectedness, of brotherhood. 11 is the diplomatic peacemaker, and the number of the heart, but is probably best known for drawing people together. To go a step further, consider this: one of the darkest of human tendencies is to separate ourselves from our fellow man, to alienate. This makes it possible for mankind to cause death and mayhem among their own kind. When that sense of distance is lessened, we are unable to cause each other such profound pain.
Now, let's look at the number 9. This is the number of completion and finality, but 9 is also the number of sympathy, love, selfless sacrifice and morality. You could think of 9 as the "Mother Teresa number." And even though 11 is the most prominent number in this date, 9 appears in three places, making it a very hard-hitting number. While 11 sets the tone for the day, the number 9 is the driving force.
Astrologically, nine corresponds to Sagittarius and the Ninth House. There is a sense of expansion and a world where life has meaning and everything is interconnected. Nine is the perfection of three when multiplied by itself. There are nine planets, nine major gods in the ancient pantheons, and larger pantheons are often divisible by the number nine.
Numerologically, however, the date 09-09-2009 translates to the number eleven (9 + 9 + 2 + 9 = 29, or 2 +9), a "master number" and the number of angelic presence. Eleven is associated with Aquarius and the "lightbringers." Eleven is the number of spiritual ascension and connection to multidimensional reality.*
*(info compiled from beliefnet and very good day indeed!